Your contact page is your last chance to make an impression, and the first step in your relationship with potential customers – so let's make sure it's perfect.
We’ve all left a website because we can’t find the information we’re after – we won’t let this happen to visitors on your site. It’s a good idea to have a contact page as part of your header menu so it sits at the top of every page. Also, if you’ve got information on any page that might lead the visitor to want to contact you, put a ‘call to action’ CONTACT ME/US button that links directly to your contact page.
Some people love a contact form, others prefer to email or social media, and don’t forget there will be people who want to pick up the phone. The contact form on your site will alert you to a submitted message by sending you an email, and from there it’s as simple as replying to a normal email. No dramas here!
Do you really need to know if the person messaging you is Miss, Mrs or Ms? Does it even matter if they’re male or female? If not, don’t ask. No-one wants to waste their time filling out long forms.
Lots of online forms suggest a message subject. If you’re a small business and one person is going to respond to all form submissions, then is this really necessary? If not, leave it out.
We’ll happily create a contact page for you, we’re experts in web design! But you’re the expert in your business, so if you think your customers need specific information or prompts then tell us and we’ll happily add any content you suggest.
For example, if you’re a doctor or therapist you’ll want to reassure customers that their message will be handled confidentially and professionally. If you’re a fun loving brand, you might want to keep it casual.
Not sure what’s appropriate to have on your contact page? Check out the competition! What’s on their page? Do they set the tone well? Are they suggesting you might want to use social media to get in contact? How do they make you feel?
It’s not cool to copy, but it’s fine to take inspiration and we always recommend having a good look around!
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